Stewarding Wealth Since 1989

We quantify potential losses from investments,
Providing full clarity and transparency on outcomes; and
Keep tabs on all your goals and journey together towards them.
Our Personal Pension Plan provides automatic income divestment —
A concept that creates a virtually inexhaustible stream of income.
Ensuring steady growth to benefit future generations
Investment Adviser to UOBAM’s United G Strategic Fund
This 5-star Morning Star rated fund (as of Dec 2022) is part of our core equity allocation for the VaR portfolio series. In collaboration with UOB Asset Management, the United G Strategic Fund has been around for over a decade and was created to be an all-weather fund that seeks to minimise risks and maximise potential returns. Learn More »
National Bestseller: Simply Invest
Born from the desire to help Singaporeans make smart financial decisions, Simply Invest was written to help people invest intelligently. Created by one of the pioneering leaders of financial planning in Singapore, it debunks several misconceptions about investing and unveils scientifically-proven realities that have long been kept hidden.
From understanding market cycles to knowing what to ask your financial adviser, this book will teach you that investing is not as complicated as it seems. Learn more »
GYC Weighs in on Inflation & Retirement — Channel News Asia
Collaborating with CNA, we published an article titled “Inflation is a silent killer of retirement planning. Here’s what you can do” (19 December 2022).
Addressing topics like:
— How much is needed for a basic standard of living?
— The various assets that households in Singapore are invested in.
— Which asset classes are best suited to beat inflation?
— Is property one of them?
Read the full article here.

More Than 30 Years at The Cutting Edge of Wealth Management
Investment Philosophy
Relying on strategies that have stood the test of time — let’s not make investing more complicated than it has to be.
Wealth Management Process
Our process places the client first — going beyond investments, we keep you anchored and secure in an increasingly volatile world.
Grow Your Capital
Simple, low-cost portfolios scientifically designed to deliver the highest probability of achieving your financial goals.

Investing Should Be Simple, Smart, and Elegant
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If you are interested in comprehensive investment strategies which provide long-term sustainable returns, grow your wealth and give you peace of mind, you are in the right place. Talk to us about what kind of help you need and see if we’re a good fit for what you’re looking for.