Investment Philosophy
Let’s not make investing more complicated than it has to be.
We cannot control the markets, the future or how a given stock will perform. It is meaningless to forecast what might or might not happen. But there are strategies that have stood the test of time, and lessons to be learnt from the greatest minds in finance.
These lessons form the foundation of our investment philosophy.
Markets Work
Stock and bond markets have been around for centuries and are conduits for capital. Investors forego certainty on their money, for the prospect of having more in the future.
However, there are times when investors get trapped in secular bear markets and do not make money for years. That is when they may lose hope.
Fortunately, empirical evidence shows that markets spend 70% of the time going up. The markets will work in your favour as long as you stay patient and have a proper investment roadmap in front of you.
Fig. 1: Growth of a dollar – MSCI World Index (net dividends), 1970–2020 in SGD.
Source: Dimensional Fund Advisors
Further Reading:
1. “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work”. Eugene Fama, The Journal of Finance, 1969
2. "History of the Efficient Market Hypothesis". Martin Sewell, UCL department of Computer Science
3. "The Behaviour of Stock Market Prices". Eugene Fama, Journal of Business, 1965
4. "The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and Theory of Investment". Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller, American Economic Review, 1958
5. "Explaining Stock Returns: A Literature Survey". James Davis, 2001
Markets Reward Long-Term Investors
Historically, capital markets have made money for long-term investors. In return for supplying money for capitalism, investors receive a return that is far above inflation or even the guaranteed CPF rate.
Even though investors will be subject to market cycles and at times receive a return lower than bank deposits, the power of markets will eventually reward long-term investors.
Fig. 2: Growth of SGD$1 from 1975–2020
Source: Singapore Property Data from Singapore Dept of Statistics, Bank of International Settlements, URA. Singapore stock market data from MSCI Singapore Total Return Index (SGD). Global stock market data from MSCI World Total Return Net Index rebased to SGD.
Further Reading:
1. ”A Brief History of Market Efficiency”. Dimson, Mussavian, European Financial Management, Volume 4 Mar 1998
2. “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work”. Eugene Fama, Journal of Finance, 1970
3. “Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly”. Paul A. Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965
4. "“The Role of Fear in Home-Biased Decision Making: First Insights from Neuroeconomics”. Kenning, Mohr, Erk, Walter, Plassmann, 2006
Invest, Don't Speculate
It is easy to be swayed into chasing the hottest investment, but only a small percentage of such “bets” ever pan out. Given that forecasts are nearly always wrong, the best strategy is to maintain a long-term perspective.
Investing in the best company or the most interesting forecast by well-known financial institutions has been shown to be detrimental to your capital. Forget about stock-picking, be systematic, and diversify broadly and globally to obtain the best risk-adjusted return.
Fig. 3: The SPIVA study shows the number of active funds outperformed by diversified stock market indices over different periods. Active investing is where the best and brightest in the finance industry pick specific stocks to try and beat their benchmark. These pros cannot seem to outperform consistently, and the conclusion for investors should be to hold a broadly diversified portfolio.
Source: S&P Global
Further Reading:
1. "Likely Gains from Market Timing". William Sharpe, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol.31, No.2 (Mar-Apr 1975)
2. "Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information". Fama, Jensen, Fisher, Lawrence and Roll, International Economic Review, 1969
3. "Stock Market Forecasting Alfred Cowles, Econometrica, 1944
4. "Can Investors Profit from the Prophets? Security Analyst Recommendations and Stock Returns". Barber, Lehavy, The Journal of Finance, 2001
5. "Eliminating Biases in Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance from a Survivorship Free Sample". Horst Jenke, et al, 1998
Nobody Can Forecast Winners
A market sector which outperforms in one year typically does poorly for the next. It is thus extremely difficult, if not impossible, to forecast winners.
Rather than try to time the market, the most systematic way to receive returns is to hold a broadly-diversified, risk-adjusted portfolio suitable for each individual's risk tolerance.
Fig. 5: Ranked Annual Total Returns of Key Indices (1996–2015). The high variability of which sector will perform best makes forecasting virtually impossible.
Source: Informa Investment Solutions
Further Reading:
1. "Random Walks in Stock Market Prices". Eugene Fama, Financial Analysts Journal, Oct 1965
2. "Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth: The Common Stock Performance of Individual Investors". Odean and Barber, Journal of Finance, April 2000
3. "On Market Timing and Investment Performance. II. "Statistical Procedures for Evaluating Forecasting Skills"". Henriksson and Merton, The Journal of Business, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Oct., 1981)
4. "Market Timing and Mutual Fund Performance: An Empirical Investigation". Roy D Henriksson, The Journal of Business, Vol 57, No 1, Part 1, Jan 1984.
5. "The Courage of Misguided Convictions". Barber, Odean, 1999.
6. "The Behavior of Individual Investors". Barber, Odean, 2013.
7. "Evaluation and Ranking of Market Forecasters". Bailey, Borwein, Salehipour, Lopez de Prado, 2017.
Put Risk First
Buying a basket of stocks that are concentrated in one industry or country exposes investors to unnecessary risks. Many investors are blissfully ignorant of what their investments could lose.
We believe that no investor should be kept in the dark. Everyone deserves a scientifically-constructed portfolio with properly-quantified and verifiable risk and return statistics. All our portfolios undergo periodic simulations to check possible losses should any adverse market event occur.
Fig. 6: Portfolio analytics and simulation to ensure optimal risk-return characteristics for your investments.
Source: Bloomberg
Further Reading:
1. "Determinants of Portfolio Performance". Brinson, Hood and Beebower, Financial Analysts Journal, 1986
2. "Modern Portfolio Theory". Dr Wan Siaw Peng
3. "Portfolio Selection". Harry Markowitz, Journal of Finance, 1952
4. "Does Asset Allocation Policy Explain 40, 90 or 100 Percent of Performance". Ibbotson, Kaplan, Financial Analysts Journal, 2000
Avoid Expensive Tactical Trading Strategies
You need an accuracy rate higher than 70% for your investment calls to beat the market. Even the forecasts of the best “investment gurus” in the world don’t come close to that number. Stringing several buy and sell decisions together reduces your chances of a positive outcome even further. When you add in your transaction costs, you will realise that active trading is a losing game.
No one can control nor predict whether markets would go up or down tomorrow. However, it doesn’t mean that you sit still and do nothing. We help control your investment experience through proper portfolio construction, risk management and, most importantly, managing costs within a portfolio.
Fig. 7: Example of the hidden costs in a typical structured product sold by banks.
Fig. 8: The more you trade, the less likely you are able to achieve a positive return compared to a simply buy-and-hold portfolio. Adding in transaction and friction costs, and your chances decrease even further.
Further Reading:
1. "Arithmetic of Active Management". William Sharpe, Financial Analysts Journal, 1991
2. "Structured Products: Performance, Costs and Investments White Paper". Swiss Finance Institute, 2015
3. "Issuer Margins for Structured Products". EDG, 2013
4. "How Do Banks Make Money on Structured Products?". DDV
Implement the Greatest Ideas
from Financial Science
The brightest minds from finance academia have provided us with great ideas to construct our investment portfolios. We choose to implement these concepts based on decades of empirical research to our client’s benefit, rather than speculate and predict market movements based on fleeting and transient themes.
Fig. 9: Implementing the best ideas and innovations in finance from Nobel Laureates.
Further Reading
1. "The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stocks". Rolf Banz, 1980
2. "Term Structure Forecasts of Interest Rates, Inflation and Real Returns". Fama, 1989
3. "The Capital Asset Pricing Model: Theory and Evidence". Fama, French 2004
4. "Multi-Factor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies". Fama, French 1996
5. "The Other Side of Value: The Gross Profitability Premium". Novy-Marx, 2012
6. "Quality Investing". Novy-Marx, Ongoing
7. "The Profitability and Investment Premium: Pre-1963 Evidence". Wahal, 2016
Seek Sources of Returns
That Are Evidence-Based
Good investing is simple and need not be complex nor difficult to understand. Decades of empirical research has shown that securities that are able to achieve higher expected returns share similar characteristics.
Using an investment approach grounded in this economic theory, we help investors achieve their goals over the long run by building portfolios focusing on the following equity and fixed income dimensions of returns:
Fig. 10: Peer-reviewed, academically proven drivers of investment returns.
Source: Dimensional Fund Advisors
Further Reading:
1. "A Five Factor Asset Pricing Model". Fama, French 2014
2. "Characteristics, Covariances, and Average Returns". Fama, French, Davis 1999
3. "The CAPM and The Three Factor Model of Fama and French".
4. "Empirical Evidence in the Fixed Income Markets". Wei Dai 2015
Systematic Investing
Will Beat Emotional Investing
Headlines stir our emotions and trigger impulsive thought processes that bypass our rationality and may result in decisions that we later regret.
Investment decisions should take place within a process-driven framework: starting from the advisory process to portfolio construction, asset allocation, right down to when you enter or exit the market.
Our proprietary Risk Matrix system presents us with objective data that may guide us to stay invested even when market pundits are telling us otherwise, or to stay out of the market when over-exuberant investors are piling into risky assets.
Fig. 11: Ignore the news. Prices of assets in markets provide us with a rich dataset which can guide our investment decisions.
Further Reading:
1. "Near-Coincident Indicators of Systemic Stress". Arsov, Canetti, Kodres, Mitra, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Working Paper, 2013
2. "Systemic risk diagnostics: coincident indicators and early warning signals". Schwaab, Koopman, Lucas, Global Systemic Risk Conference, 2011
3. "CoVar". Adrian, Tobias, Brunnermeier, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, 2010
4. "Measuring Financial Market Stress". Kliesen, Smith, Economic Synopses, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, 2010
Schedule a Consultation
If our investment philosophy sounds good to you and you’d like to put it into practice, meet up with us for a complimentary chat and see how our evidence-based solutions can help you grow your wealth.