Beyond Life
When you think about your life, what impact do you see it having on the loved ones you leave behind and the world at large?
Having a clear, comprehensive plan in place will make it easier for your heirs to manage your estate after you are gone, reducing unnecessary stress and simplifying the process as much as possible. It can also create a lasting legacy that would continue to support the causes you believe in, even after you are gone.
Life May Be Short, But Your Legacy Doesn’t Have to Be
Making the necessary provisions now when you are healthy and clear headed can make all the difference for those you leave behind. It can also ensure that you can continue to shape the communities you are a part of now when you are no longer around.
Estate Planning
At the fundamental level, the first step will involve creating a legal document that specifies how your assets will be distributed when you pass on. There are legal structures that can help you protect young beneficiaries and distribute your assets in a specific manner over an elongated period of time.
Creating Inheritance
Setting up your inheritance plans early allows time and the power of compounding returns to be on your side. If your beneficiaries are still young, you could set up specialised structures that will disburse specific portions of assets upon reaching certain milestones, such as age or academic achievement.
Giving & Making an Impact
Exploring various suitable philanthropic strategies, we can incorporate them to sustainably support your charitable goals. Through a foundation, charitable trust, or endowment fund, you can to continue shaping your community and the world beyond your life.
Schedule a Consultation
Ensuring that your family will always be taken care of is without a doubt of vital importance. Talk to us about our legacy planning solutions and give yourself the peace of mind.