GYC in the Media
Money Mind
What are the smartest moves you can make with your first paycheque? Can you DIY a financial plan to achieve your money goals? Plus, how young workers in India's booming gig economy are saving for life's milestones.
Man vs Machine:
Can AI powered Portfolios Yield Higher Returns?
Human or artificial intelligence investing: Who wins?
Can AI do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to investing your hard-earned money? Not quite – yet
26 Sep 2023 — The Straits Times, Business
GYC was featured on The Sunday Times (24 Sep 2023) as part of The Future of Finance, an ongoing series by UOB Bank. The topic of discussion for this iteration was on AI Investing: Man vs Machine: Can AI powered Portfolios Yield Higher Returns?
“The investing process is just too complex and is but a small cog in the entire wealth management life cycle that requires both man and machine to work together to achieve the client’s outcome.””
GYC is open to adapting what the future may bring, but for now, we believe in relying on evidence based and historically proven strategies to give you the best chances of positive investment outcome. If you have any questions, feel free to schedule a consultation.
SVB collapse begs the question:
Is active investing better than passive?
19 Mar 2023 — The Straits Times, Business
SINGAPORE - The collapse of tech lender Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on March 10 has turned people’s attention once again to the debate of active versus passive investing.
Budget & You
How will the Budget help your family and your business?
Furthermore, how will help you push through rising costs, global uncertainty and inflation, and into the future, post pandemic. What you need to know about the Assurance Package, tax changes and schemes for innovation and training.
Watch the complete video here.
Profit-taking Hare or Patient Tortoise:
Which Investor Are You?
25 Jan 2023 — The Straits Times, Business
GYC’s vice-president William Cai shares his investing style amongst other veteran investors, CEOs, and Directors of insurance, wealth management, and financial research companies like Morningstar.
Inflation is a silent killer of retirement planning.
Here’s what you can do
19 December 2022 — Channel News Asia (CNA)
Amid an ageing population in Singapore, how can individuals make sure they do not outlive their savings? GYC Financial Advisory’s Aw Choon Hui weighs in.
Addressing topics like:
How much is needed for a basic standard of living?
The various assets that households in Singapore are invested in.
Which asset classes are best suited to beat inflation?
Is property one of them?
Read the complete article here.
Women stand to benefit greatly in numerous areas of their life from the cultivation of good financial practices
女性深耕理财 让花开更香更持久
Single Women get a different kind of joy and happiness from their financial stability and independence, and the earlier they start working on it, the better
把握另一种幸福 单身女性理财越早越好
Thorough analysis, long-term planning and reasonable prices: value investing is not about buying 'cheap stocks'
In this article in ZaoBao, our CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, talks about value investing in volatile times and how retail investors can apply this strategy in their portfolios.
Keeping the headcount up
29 July 2019 – The Business Times
GYC's CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, shared his views in this "Views from the Top" article on measures that could help Singapore's declining birth rate. He spoke about finding ways to simultaneously address the problems of those who want children and can't have them with those who consider abortion due to not wanting children, and also suggested having a pre-entry assimilation programme for immigrants wishing to migrate to Singapore.
Uncertainty and the Perfect Market Timing Strategy
In our latest article in Today, we talk about how investors can respond to an uncertain market environment.
A Primer on Investing
3-5 May 2019 – The Business Times' Weekend
Our CEO, Goh Yang Chye, speaks with The Business Times about his book Simply Invest.
Be wary of investment tips from the rich and famous
In our latest article in TODAY, we explain why investment tips from the rich and famous can be disastrous for the average investor.
‘Studying hard’ not a sure-win to investment success
In our latest article in TODAY, we talk about how putting more time and effort into investing does not actually correlate with better returns.
Money Manager: Buying your 2nd property as an investment (Podcast)
10 October 2018 – Money FM 89.3
Carl Chay, Investment Specialist at GYC Financial Advisory, and Nicholas Mak, Executive Director and Head of Research & Consultancy at ZACD, walk through the rules that you need to follow when buying your second property.
Are Women Losing Out?
30 August 2018 – Channel News Asia
On this episode of Channel 5's Talking Point (aired on 30 August 2018), GYC's Shawn Lee is interviewed by TV host, Diana Ser, as a financial consultant to discuss how women in Singapore on average end up paying more over their lifetimes for essential products and services, compared to men.
What to Consider When Purchasing a Critical Illness Policy
In this article in ZaoBao, GYC's Shawn Lee talks about what to consider and the important things to take note of when purchasing a Critical Illness insurance policy.
How a S$3,000 bill became S$30,000: The truth behind retailers' instalment plans
27 June 2018 – Channel News Asia
On this episode of Channel 5's Talking Point (aired on 21 Jun 2018), GYC's William Cai is interviewed by TV host, Daniel Martin, as the financial expert on the topic of instalment plans. These plans are targeted at low-income customers who end up paying many times the original price of big-ticket items, at high interest rates that send many of them into debt. Click the link for the article and video.
Should you get an endowment plan or annuity for your retirement?
In this article in ZaoBao, GYC's Shawn Lee discusses the differences between endowment and annuity plans and how to decide which would be more suitable for you.
Do Smart People Invest Better?
In our latest article in TODAY, we show evidence that intelligence does not always equate to investment success, and even some of the smartest people are unable to beat a globally diversified portfolio of index funds.
Can You Retire Early? What About Semi-retirement?
In this article in ZaoBao, GYC's Shawn Lee talks about what you would need in order to retire early. Click the link to read our original article in English.
The Annual Investment Guessing Game
In our latest article in TODAY, we show the futility of following predictions and forecasts for your investments and why it is best to stick to what you can control – a proper investment game plan based on evidence.
If I was 21 years old again, what would I have done differently in my finances?
In this article in ZUU online, our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, shares the financial advice he would give to his younger self.
Five Money Resolutions to Make in 2018
In this article in ZaoBao, GYC's Shawn Lee shares five money resolutions for 2018. Click the link to read our original article in English.
Which is a Better Long Term Investment: Property or Stocks?
In this article in TODAY, we discuss whether property or stocks make for the better long-term investment.
Positioning Your Investments
30 October 2017 – Money Mind
In this episode of Money Mind – which was first aired on Saturday, 28 October 2017 – our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, was interviewed on GYC's views on multi-asset investing.
Know yourself, not your investments
In this article in TODAY, we talk about the importance of understanding your own investing personality and how you respond to crisis.
Staying anchored in an uncertain market
In this article in TODAY, we highlight some strategies as to how investors can guard against their instinct to cut-and-run when the market goes through rough patches.
Why Our Instincts Make Us Poor Investors
In this article in TODAY, we talk about how the human behavioural instincts that serve us well in most areas can be our downfall when it comes to investing.
Markets at highs: Panic or stay calm?
Markets have been reaching all-time highs. Is it time to sell? In this article in TODAY, we look at the evidence and at what history has to tell us about past instances when markets also reached new highs.
Deciphering the FAANG phenomenon
26 June 2017 – The Business Times
GYC's CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, shared his views in this "Views from the Top" article on the recent technology sell-off. He reiterated our belief that forecasting is a reckless business, and that we should instead look at the evidence that currently point to favourable monetary conditions.
Choose a simple, diversified portfolio for long-term investment success
In our latest article in TODAY, we talk about the research showing how a simple, low-cost diversified portfolio can beat most investment strategies, and is the best bet for attaining long-term investment success.
Spreading risk through diversification
In this article featured in TODAY, we discuss how holding a diversified investment portfolio helps investors achieve a better investment outcome.
Follies of Forecasting
In this article featured in TODAY, we discuss why investors not succumb to the noise and distractions from forecasts and predictions, but instead stick to a disciplined, systematic investment plan in order to have a higher probability of making money in the long run.
Are you wise or wild when it comes to your money?
March 2017 – HerWorld
GYC collaborated with HerWorld on this financial quiz.
4%法则的迷思 (The Myth of the 4% Rule)
19 February 2017 – Zaobao
GYC's Shawn Lee was quoted in this article investigating the '4% rule' - where 4% has long been considered the optimal drawdown rate on a retirement savings account.
Views From the Top: Home to Roost
30 January 2017 – The Business Times
Our CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye is quoted sharing our financial outlook for the new year. We strongly believe that we cannot forecast the markets, and will rely instead on our Risk Matrix and other objective market indicators to guide our investing decisions.
Going against the grain in managing assets
4 January 2017 – The Business Times
DFA's co-founder David Booth talks about Dimensional's core investment philosophy and how this informs its low-cost, passive approach to investing.
Is your fund at risk of closure?
GYC's Carl Chay was quoted in this article, highlighting that investors should be aware of other factors which would affect fund performance besides costs and small AUM size.
Dimensional Change
The Edge interviewed GYC's Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, in this article heralding the introduction of funds from Dimensional Fund Advisors to the Singaporean market. The article discusses the dimensions of returns that form the cornerstone of Dimensional's investing strategy, and how investors will benefit from their low-cost approach to equity fund management.
More writers getting books out with help of self-publishing services
30 October 2016 – The New Paper
GYC's William Cai was featured here with the 2nd edition of his bestselling book, "How to Be a Successful Investor". In his book, he shares investment strategies, tips and insights tailored to help the average person succeed in the markets.
GYC Financial Advisory first Singapore firm to establish platform agreement with Dimensional Fund Advisors
28 October 2016 – ACN Newswire | Also reported on in Business News Asia, Yahoo! News, Wealth Adviser, and others.
We're pleased to announce that GYC has become the first Singapore firm to sign a platform agreement with global investment firm Dimensional Fund Advisors, allowing us and our clients access to their renowned investment expertise, track record and low cost fee structure (e.g. 0.38% for equity funds vs the usual 1.8% of most equity fund managers).
Read our press release for more details!
Ensuring the right products and options for patients
24 October 2016 – The Business Times
Our CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, was quoted in this article regarding the increase in medical insurance claims.
Funds to ride volatility
17 October 2016 – The Edge Singapore
GYC's William Cai was interviewed in this article about funds and exchange-traded products that could profit from short-term volatility spikes.
Retirement Planning for Singles
Is retirement planning more difficult for singles than married couples? GYC’s Shawn Lee speaks with ZaoBao.
Low-cost investing with ETFs
10 October 2016 – The Edge Malaysia
Our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, was quoted in the Personal Wealth section of The Edge Malaysia in their cover story on low-cost ETF investing. He explains GYC's views on how ETFs can fit into one's long term investment plan.
Trust, credibility crucial among finance professionals
7 June 2016 – The Brunei Times
GYC's William Cai was quoted in this article on building trust and credibility between finance professionals and clients.
CPF investing made easy
22 August 2016 – The Edge Singapore
GYC's William Cai was interviewed in this article about CPF investing.
Ethics and trust main theme of Financial Planning Day 2016
31 May 2016 – Borneo Bulletin
GYC's William Cai travelled to Brunei for their Financial Planning Day, where he spoke on the importance of "Building Trust and Capability". In his presentation, Cai highlighted what he called the four building blocks of trust: integrity, intent, capabilities and results.
The Investment Roller Coaster
31 July 2016 – The Sunday Times
GYC's William Cai was quoted in this article on the psychology of the market and common investing biases, saying that the best time to invest often feels like the worst time to do so.
Cap the Downside for Upside Gains (PDF)
25 July 2016 – The Edge Singapore
In the 25 July issue of The Edge, Our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, and our Investment Specialist, Carl Chay, were interviewed on GYC's Risk Matrix system which warns us of severe market downturns. Instead of only striving for higher returns, as most fund managers do, GYC's system aims to outperform the markets in the long term by simply reducing losses during market crashes. By avoiding the worst days in the market, clients' portfolios will be able to break-even much faster and ride the recovery to significantly greater gains. Over the long term, the effect of compounding enables the portfolio to significantly outperform the markets.
Ushering in a new era
23 May 2016 – The Business Times
Our CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, was quoted in this article on the rise of fintech banking. His original quote is as follows:
"After the initial euphoria, the early fintech companies are finding out that the road to success and profitability is not as easy. Nonetheless, fintech is certainly here to stay, with traditional financial institutions also getting into the game and disrupting even their own business models. However, unlike FMCG business, investing and managing personal finances is complex and a hugely relational business.
"Fintech will allow financial institutions and businesses to move simple but laborious, time-intensive and low-margin tasks to technology-aided platforms. Using simpler user interfaces and algorithms will help customers to gain better control and understanding of their finances. Our launch of the GYC Robo-Advisory Retirement Model last year was to engage the customer and find out whether they are comfortable with a DIY model for personal financial planning. We conclude that a well-devised marriage of both technological and human interfaces will be the ingredients of a successful fintech model."
Starting young, starting early: 3 stories of smart investing
15 May 2016 – The Straits Times
GYC is quoted saying that young people should start saving and investing young, so as to make the most of compounded interest. Our report on youth investors was mentioned.
2 in 3 young people have not started investing
15 May 2016 – The Straits Times
In late 2015, we conducted a survey of over 1000 youths, asking about their investing habits and concerns for their financial future. The Straits Times reported on our results. Click here to download our full survey report!
Which China funds to buy
18 January 2016 – The Edge Singapore
GYC's William Cai was quoted in this article on China funds, sharing his view that China offers a great value buy for the long term if one is able to stomach the volatility. He also presents his recommendations of several China funds.
Insights from Natixis' Durable Portfolio Construction Symposium in Singapore
17 February 2016 – Citywire Asia
Last year, our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, attended the Natixis Durable Portfolio Construction Symposium where he was featured in an interview with Citywire Asia.
"One of the foremost things in investing is client education, and understanding risk is very important." - Aw Choon Hui
InvestX Congress
17 October 2015
InvestX Congress was held on 17 October, Saturday, at Suntec Singapore Convention Centre. The seminar was packed with over 500 people coming together to learn how to make more profitable investment decisions and become better investors.
GYC was represented by our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui. He shared how investors need to create a portfolio suited for their individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. He also explained why risk can be managed, whereas performance is a matter of chance, and hence investors should only choose an investment based on the risk they are willing to accept. Returns would then take care of themselves.
SMART Investment & International Property Expo
26 September 2015
GYC's William Cai spoke on the topic "How to Avoid a Bear Market and Profit From The Next Bull Run" at the SMART Investment and Property Expo, held at Marina Bay Sands.
First Singapore Savings Bond to pay average 2.63% if held to 10th year
1 September 2015 – Channel NewsAsia
Our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, was quoted in this article sharing his advice for Singaporeans thinking about investing in Singapore Savings Bonds. Our views were also featured on News 5 (Channel 5).
Fallout from Greek crisis
6 July 2015 – The Business Times
Our CEO, Mr. Goh Yang Chye, was featured as one of the voices in the Business Times' "Views From the Top" segment on the Greek crisis, presenting his views on the repercussions of the crisis as well as what he thinks would be the worst-case scenario.
Buy insurance for children when they're born
28 June 2015 – The Sunday Times
Our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, was quoted in this article on buying insurance for children as early as possible. Click here to view our original article.
Got your first pay cheque? Start saving
14 June 2015 – The Sunday Times
Our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui, and GYC's William Cai were quoted in this article on financial advice for young working professionals in Singapore. Their original articles can be found here and here, respectively.
Discipline, consistency the key to success in the market, says GYC's Cai
4 May 2015 – The Edge Singapore
During the Singapore ETF Forum 2015 organised by The Edge, GYC's William Cai shared a few investment strategies that would help investors avoid painful losses. He also advised using both technical and fundamental indicators to guide investors, and shared on how market psychology can also affect markets.
GYC at IMAS 16th Annual Conference
25 March 2015
For this year's IMAS Conference, GYC was invited to be part of a panel discussing "Opportunities in Asian Retail Distribution". The panel comprised a bank (Citibank), fund manager (BlackRock), online platform (iFAST) and a financial adviser (GYC). We were truly honoured to have been the only FA invited to represent our industry in this esteemed forum of international fund managers. GYC was represented by our Deputy CEO, Mr. Aw Choon Hui.
Choon Hui is quoted on Ignites Asia Financial Times, sharing his thoughts that while there is robust demand for income funds in Singapore, many such existing products in the city-state fail to provide investors with consistent dividend payouts. He also acknowledged that there are limitations, but nonetheless urged asset managers to collaborate with distributors to create income products that can fit the needs of investors.
ECB's QE – another challenge for Europe
2 February 2015 – The Business Times
Various finance experts weigh in on the impact of the European Central Bank's quantitative easing on both the local and Eurozone economies. GYC's CEO Goh Yang Chye is quoted, sharing his belief that QE will weaken the Euro and drive Eurozone bond yields to extremely low levels.
Investing for Children (PDF)
We share some tips on introducing children to investments and getting them to start learning good financial habits.