GYC Insights

Articles on real-life financial issues written to educate and enlighten.

Investing Bruce Tan Investing Bruce Tan

Your Average Return

An old joke goes - a statistician is a person who lays with his head in an oven and his feet in a freezer happily proclaiming “On average, I feel comfortable.”

Taking that example into the investment world, averages seldom reflect actual investor experience.

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Investing Carl Chay Investing Carl Chay

Mayday in May? Or Come What May

You’ve done everything right: You’ve set a long investment horizon to ensure positive returns, and reduced your equity allocation to make room for bonds to absorb shocks in the market. So what should one do when the invested assets suddenly don’t seem to behave anymore?

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Behavioural Finance, Economy, Investing Carl Chay Behavioural Finance, Economy, Investing Carl Chay

Keeping The Choppy Markets In Perspective

When it comes to investing, the biggest elephant in the room is the word — “uncertainty.” No one can say for certain what the markets will do nor is there a crystal ball that’ll show you the outcome of any situation. However, we have provided some pointers that can help you keep things in perspective during this “uncertain” period.

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Investing Jogoh Investing Jogoh

Keep Riding Your Bicycle

Staying upright on a bike is much easier when you’re moving, and more enjoyable than frequently having to start and stop. Having discipline in a financial plan is not dissimilar; the ability to reach your destination can be positively impacted by building small, repeatable habits.

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