What Surprises Will 2024 Bring?

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

— Josh Billings, 1874

2023 is a timely reminder that investors relying on “truisms” or rules of thumbs might have experienced a nasty surprise. The next time you think


Bonus Chart: 2022 Equities vs Bonds

Think again…

When it comes to “truisms” and rules-of-thumb, the answer is more often than not, “it depends”. Hopefully the above charts are a useful reminder that investors are rewarded in the market for bearing risk or uncertainty. If things were certain, there would be no risk premium to be earned.

While the world and markets are ever-changing, some things never change. A robust investment plan that is built upon a solid investment philosophy should guide an investor through the ups and downs of the markets and bring them from where they are to where they want to be. If you are unsure or need a second opinion, read on.

Most of us would trust an accomplished physician to manage our health. After all, physicians have specialised training, real-world experience and access to tools outside the reach of the general public. Most importantly, they took an oath to prioritize the patient’s health over their own interests.

In the way same, GYC adapts insights from financial science to develop a financial plan that is built upon a rigorously tested investment philosophy. We work hand in hand with our clients to accomplish each of their unique goals.

Click here to schedule an exploratory chat with us.


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