Should You Listen to Experts?

Expert advice can be hugely beneficial when it comes to your health or fixing your automobile. However in the world of investments, expert advice seems to be routinely wrong.

Investment strategists appear to be a perennially optimistic bunch (if you looked at what they predicted for the past 20 years). However after a bad 2022, they predicted a negative year for markets for 2023. If you took their advice, stayed in cash or some very safe investments, you would have missed the best performing stock market performance since 1997.

How could they get it so wrong? After all, they have a treasure trove of data, powerful computing systems and army of analysts to help them find the best answer.

We previously wrote about how some stock markets have been declared to be in a new bull cycle. Missing out on these important gains can be disastrous to your long-term portfolio performance because it is very hard to play catch-up.

The issue is that 78% of the best returns in the market occurs during high volatility, uncertainty and fear — often the toughest times for investing. It is always easier to throw your money into the hat when everything is going up, and not many have the fortitude to stay seated or invest when markets are turbulent and you are facing a wall of bad news.

During times such as this, a fiduciary adviser can be invaluable to you — to guide you through the noise and help you reiterate all your investment and financial goals.

In the same way that you would not attempt a high risk activity such as sky-diving without professional supervision, investors can benefit greatly by relying on an adviser — having the peace of mind knowing that their plan is in the hands of a professional.

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