Goh Yang Chye

Chief Executive Officer

With about three decades of experience behind him, Yang Chye is an acclaimed and prominent veteran in the financial advisory field and the author of the national bestseller Simply Invest. He founded GYC Financial Advisory in 2003. Today, GYC leads Singapore’s financial advisory business in both its services and track record.

Yang Chye is widely acknowledged to be one of Singapore’s pioneers in Comprehensive Financial Planning. He developed many financial management models that financial advisers regularly use today. His personal clients include high net worth individuals, multinational corporations, banks, securities firms and public-listed companies in the Asia Pacific region.

He has been featured in The Straits Times, Business Times, Zaobao, Today, Smart Investors, Financial Planners, Fundsupermart, IFPAS Coverage, the Asia Financial Planning Journal and the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce’s economic bulletin, Wealth; as well as on TV’s Channel News Asia and the radio station 93.8.

He was on the Founding Board of Directors of the Board of Society of Financial Services Professionals (Singapore) and the Board of Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Research Pte Ltd.

Yang Chye's experience and expertise have helped to nurture Singapore's financial services industry. In 1998 and 1999, he was engaged by DBS Securities and DBS Bank to train the organisations' first 200 Investment Planners and Private Bankers on the subject of Comprehensive Financial Planning. Between 1990 and 1997, he was part of a team that trained more than 1,000 insurance advisers for the Lippo Group's insurance operations in Indonesia. In 2004, he trained Citibank's Wealth Management Team.

In 2003, Yang Chye delivered the paper "Peak Performance Amidst Economic Crisis" to 7,000 international delegates at the esteemed Million Dollar Round Table in the United States of America. In 2004, he spoke on the topic "How to Do More in Less Time" for the LIMRA Oceanic Financial Advisers Conference in South Korea. Countries represented were South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. In 2005, he delivered a talk on "Independent Financial Advisers in Singapore" in Beijing's first All China Broker's Association Conference. In 2008, he went to Malaysia to speak on "F.A. Practice – The Singapore Experience" for Bank Negara Malaysia.

Yang Chye has additionally shared, on many occasions, with NAMLIA Malaysia, IFPAS Singapore, and LUA Hong Kong, Indonesia and Philippines. He has lectured at Singapore's Institute of Banking and Finance and at the Singapore Insurance College for their Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) Programme.

Yang Chye graduated with an Engineering degree from the National University of Singapore and a Masters in Neuroscience and Psychology from Kings College. He is an Affiliate with the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance, as well as a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and a Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP).