You have been referred to this page by a representative of GYC Financial Advisory Pte Ltd (GYC).

By clicking on this link below, you will be directed out of this GYC page to a 3rd party portal (Pivot-SquirrelSave) where you will be presented with the opportunity to transact in various investment products.

In proceeding, you will be deemed to have agreed with the following:

  • That GYC is acting as a referrer for Pivot-SquirrelSave and may be remunerated for making this referral (0 to 0.4%);

  • That as a referrer, GYC cannot provide any advice nor recommendation for any investment product on the Pivot-SquirrelSave portal;

  • That you will be solely responsible for your decisions on product suitability or any investment product purchases;

  • That GYC will not be responsible for any losses you suffer, including the loss of your capital invested.